From a Scandinavian upbringing my flair and knowledge for good quality materials and love for design has always been part of me. Even more so my eyes opened to an amazing colourful world, full of fabrics and textures when living in India during my teenage years. Two combination that started shaping me into the person I am, expanding my view and approach to different cultures where both mind and creativity widened my horizons, giving me all the tools to continue my creative journey towards Parsons Paris and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London together with Design School in Copenhagen has given the cohesiveness to how I interpret through design as my media.
All of these together with a Bachelor in Design Culture and Economics started to shape the core of Arisholm as a brand.
Looking at clothes as a way of being creative and expressing yourself empowering women to feel great about themselves.   I aim to make beautiful, unique, functional clothing that has a wearable couture feeling to it. Feeling comfortable between good quality silk,cotton,linen, wool and cashemere.

From a Scandinavian upbringing and always having a flair and knowledge for good quality materials and love for design, Rikke Arisholm’s horizons expanded through her teenage years in a colorful world, full of fabrics and textures when living in India; a huge curiosity to travel the world, discover new cultures and places has since an early age been an essential part of the designer, reflecting her international take on each design.
Mainly danish educated, an international school in India, and continuing her creative journey towards Parsons Paris and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London together with Design School in Copenhagen has given the cohesiveness to how she interprets through design, followed by a Bachelor's in Design Culture and Economics, all of these together started to shape the core of Arisholm as a brand today.n
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